Monday, June 16, 2008

Universal Health Care ?

An editorial from the New York Times is arguing the pros and cons of universal health care on the smaller scale as it is an issue that is currently affecting the state of Massachusetts. The state government there is taking a large risky step towards universal health care. They are being referred to as a model for the way many people want the entire nation to look - health care coverage for everyone. This idea sounds like a plan to cure all, however it is not without its flaws. The government of Massachusetts is finding that such a task is easier said than done.

There are still about 300,000 people who are uninsured, and due to the government underestimating the number of uninsured, the actual costs of the program is turning out to be much higher than the projected costs. The idea was to require that people enroll for health care coverage or get taxed if they choose not to.

My personal opinion is that I am in support of Massachusetts trying this new plan. I feel that it will be a good stepping-stone and model for the country to see how the plan plays out in real life. However I do see the short-comings of the idea. What will happen if everyone decides to use governmental funding and aid, wont that push us into even deeper of a debt?
In the long run I think people need to observe the positive and negative outcomes of what happens in Massachusetts and then critically apply it to a national scale to better understand how such an idea will affect our country.

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