Monday, June 9, 2008

Who will you choose?

At the moment, my opinion about the 2008 Presidential race is that it feels a bit more like picking the prom queen rather than picking the next president. This may be because I have many people close to me (unfortunately myself often included) that fail to pay attention to the truly important details about the candidates, but rather stupid insignificant ones that are reported on "E! Entertainment" - for example who is Michelle Obama's Hollywood crush?
It scares me to think that there is a part of America that may be basing their presidential decision on something as trivial as pieces of information like that.

An Editorial in the New York Times by author William Kristol fuels my worries that we are not paying attention to the right things during such a pivotal point in American history. Kristol writes that between both candidates, Obama seems to be putting on more fireworks for the public with his hope and faith faith filled speeches about a "Change we can believe in".
I am not arguing that this is a bad thing. In fact I do believe that hope is what people need, but I also know that people need concrete things to believe in too. These "concrete things" seem to be the theme for McCain's campaign. He is playing the "older and wiser card" on Obama and although it is a solid card, I'm afraid people like to feel good in Obama's promises rather than brood over reality.
Kristol makes a strong point by introducing the idea that McCain may have exactly what it takes to be Americas President but unless he steps up his like-ability points and tell the people what they want to hear, then the he won't win over the wavering voters who are concerned with things like - potential first-ladies Hollywood crushes.

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